Creator Playlists
Playlists made by creators, for creators
You can already find your perfect soundtrack with tons of playlists from our music curation team. But… sometimes you just can't beat a playlist made by someone like you.
Whether you're starting out or already have 5M+ subscribers, these creators know good music makes a big difference.
From fitness guru growwithjo, to football genius ChrisMD... here's a showcase of Lickd music that's already helping big creators take their videos to the next level!
Gaming & Technology
ChrisMD, Football YouTuber - 5.6m subs
"I've always wanted to use mainstream music for YouTube videos.
When you use music that people recognise, it makes the whole viewing experience a lot more enjoyable for people to listen to whilst they're watching your video."
Matthew Vandeputte, YouTuber - 67k subs
"If you've been in the creator industry for a while, you know this is truly ground breaking.
There are just no other websites that allow you to license tracks like this for use on your channels."