This Limited Time Offer has Expired!
But, you can still access over 1.4 million mainstream songs, plus royalty-free tracks by signing up to Lickd today
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Get access to the world’s biggest catalog of music for content creators. Find the best stock and mainstream music to soundtrack your videos
Over 1.3 million mainstream songs from artists you know and love
100k royalty-free tracks for every platform
Get your copyright claims resolved

We've partnered with the biggest record labels

How it works

Find the music
Choose from over 1.3 million mainstream tracks from some of the world's biggest artists and get unlimited use of 100K royalty-free tracks

Get a license
Get a license to legally use copyrighted music in just a few clicks. We've made arrangements with the music copyright owners already so you don't have to.

Avoid claims
Our innovative software VOUCH will clear any copyright claims for you. If it doesn't, we'll SQUASH any claims that rear their ugly heads.